Writing Catchy Blog Titles | 3 Simple Hacks You Need to Know
A catchy blog title can be the difference between a reader coming to your blog and the sound of crickets.

If you don’t manage to grab your reader’s attention with the title in the first few moments–we’re talking seconds here people–and get them to read the post, nothing you put inside the post will ever matter because they won’t read it.
- Your post may be the most excellent and thorough how-to article ever written.
- It may be generously sprinkled with affiliate links.
- Or have a fantastic sponsored review of your most favorite possession.
However, if you can’t get them to click on your blog post title in a list of hundreds, if not thousands, of other search results on Google, then it’s all for naught.
Not to mention, if you want to get any traffic from search engines, your title plays a huge part in that as well.
It also is an essential element in getting your great content to rank.
Of course, there are plenty of other components that come into play, but a great title with the right keywords in it does way more for your post than anything else you do.
But how does one write a great title for a blog post?
Ok, so knowing all that about how important your blog post title is, is all well and good.
But how exactly do you manage to write a good, attention-grabbing and catchy blog title when coming up with all that fantastic content for the blog post is an exhausting undertaking by itself?
Well, what I do and what I suggest you should do is to get started writing your blog post with just a working title for your draft.
Then when your blog post content is done, come back and work on finalizing your title, using as many of the tips listed below as you can.
Here are some tips on how to choose a blog title that pulls your reader in.
Make It Interesting Yet Still Be Honest
You want to write an attention-grabbing headline. And at first glance, that sounds a whole lot like hyping it up and stretching the truth a little bit. But don’t do it! While it may work in getting some extra clicks, there’s always a trade-off.
You’ll lose credibility with your readers if you exaggerate by telling those little white lies.
You know what I am talking about.
You’ve seen some of those headlines on social media or even in the news.
You end up disappointed when you click through and find that the post or news article isn’t anything like what the catchy blog title promised.
Instead, make your title interesting, yet true; without all the hype. An effective way to accomplish that is to highlight what’s in it for your readers.
Keep It Short and Engaging
Shorter titles tend to do much better both with click-throughs on your blog and on social media. Keep your titles short and concise.
Think about how to engage your reader right off the bat from the title of your post.
- Add numbers to your titles to get them thinking about what’s in the content (i.e., My 5 Best Tips To …) and to let them know precisely how much time they need to invest in order to read your content.
- Ask your readers a question.
- Make a statement that makes them think.
Always be on the lookout for catchy blog titles that grab your attention. Create a swipe file (it can be a file on your computer or a simple handwritten note that you can file away) and add them to your list and use them as inspiration for future post titles.
See how you might be able to tweak them for your own needs when writing post titles.
Work Keywords in to Make a Catchy Blog Title
Last but not least, don’t forget to try and work your keywords into the title. Working in keywords is something I tend to do last.
However, always write for your readers first and then work on what you need to in order to make sure the search engines recognize what your content is about.
Ranking well for things your readers don’t want to read or don’t care to click on doesn’t do you a whole heck of a lotta good.
Focus on your audience, first and foremost, then optimize for search engines and the Google gods, as an afterthought and you’ll do well.
Try implementing these tips and get a few good blog posts out there. Pay attention to what seems to be working and what’s not.
Each niche, each readership, and each blog is different–what may work for one, won’t work for someone else.
Use these tips as general guidelines to help you find your style, that resonates well with your readers, and that gets you the results you want.
Still Can’t Find a Catchy Blog Title?
If you are still having trouble coming up with a catchy blog title there are online tools that can help you. You can punch in your keyword into this blog title generator if you need help coming up with a good title.
Another helpful (and addicting) tool for creating blog post titles that’ll captivate your audience is the Headline Analyzer from CoSchedule. You enter your title into the analyzer, and it’ll generate a score for you based on various factors such as conversion, scannability, and how well your audience can digest the information. It truly ups your title game, giving you an upper hand in SEO parameters.

Now that you have mastered creating catchy blog titles that draw your reader in. It’s time to find out some simple blog tips for beginners on getting your readers to actually read your blog posts.
Do you have other tips for writing catchy and engaging blog post titles? Share them in the comments below so we can all learn how to write better titles!
I really hate coming up with blog post titles sometimes–I’m gonna have to check out that blog title generator for when I’m stuck in a rut! :] Thanks for this!