3 Basic Blog Definitions Every New Blogger NEEDS to Know
What is a blog?
If you are a newbie to the blogosphere you may need to figure out some basic blog definitions in order to fully grasp the concept of blogging. Like what exactly is a blog? And who is a blogger? And what does blogging entail?
Blog definitions
Unless you have been living under a rock, a blog or blogging is no longer a very new concept.
Yet, if you were to ask someone what is a blog? Or what is blogging? Or who is a blogger? You may end up with not much more than a blank face or some vague answer about writing stuff on the internet.
Here are some basic blog definitions to get you going.
Definition of blog
A blog (which is the shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first.
It is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an individual subject.
Blog structure
The appearance of blogs change from one blog to another, thanks to all kinds of different themes or layouts. But, most blogs include some standard features and a basic structure. The most common features that a typical blog will include:
- A header with the menu or navigation bar
- The main content area with featured or latest blog posts
- A sidebar with social profiles, favorite content, advertisements or a call-to-action
- A footer with relevant links like a disclaimer, privacy policy, contact information, etc.
What is blogging?
Back in the late 90s and early 2000s, the concept of blogging was born. Initially, blogging was a personal weblog or online diary of a person’s day-to-day life.
Then there were blogs that were like online how-to manuals on various topics. Eventually, established business institutions and entrepreneurs began to notice the marketing opportunities and potential of having a blog and the rest, as they say, is history.
Definition of blogging
Blogging is the act of doing all the things to maintain and run a blog. Equipping the site with tools to make the process of writing, posting, linking, and sharing content easier on the internet.
Who is a blogger?
These days bloggers have become famous for various reasons. Blogging has become an alternative career choice for many. And more and more people are choosing to join the ranks.
So who are bloggers?
Bloggers are individuals who love sharing parts of their lives with you. They post about all kinds of topics from DIY, interior home design, arts & crafts, gardening, finance and even about blogging itself.
Bloggers are mobile and don’t need to be in one place to do their job. All they need is an internet connection to publish content. They live on the internet!
Definition of blogger
A blogger is someone who runs and controls a blog. He or she shares his or her opinion on different topics to a targeted audience.
Why are so many people blogging?
Most people today are creating blogs for a bunch of different reasons. Every human being has a unique story to tell. And everyone has talents, things that they are good at or have opinions about and can share their experience with others. Therefore, through the internet, bloggers can share their thoughts and ideas to a much larger group of people.
Why has blogging become so famous? Blogs allow you to write about virtually any topic you can think of and express your opinion. You will find bloggers who write about their day to day activities. And bloggers who write about more serious matters like business ethics and politics. And everything in between. The topics that bloggers write about may range from small concerns such as what they had for breakfast, to major issues like human rights and climate changes!
Tip: Remember that as a blogger, you will need to rely on topics that are interesting to you and that you are passionate about in order to come up with things to write about for a long time.
Why is blogging so popular?
The popularity of blogging grows with each passing day! In answering the question ‘what is blogging’ it is important to look at the factors behind its rise.
In the early days of blogging, blogs became mainstream by using them as tools for outreach and opinion forming. Blogging gave people a voice. They became a new source of information.
Businesses saw an opportunity to improve their customer’s level of satisfaction. Blogging allowed companies to keep clients and customers up to date on the latest news of their businesses.
Personal and niche bloggers, saw the potential to reach out to more people interested in their specific topics. With a blog, visitors can comment and connect with you or your brand on a more personal level which helps to create a network of loyal followers.
Did you know you can earn money through blogging? Once your blog has enough content and gets more traction and fans, you can look into ways of monetizing your blog. You can create and sell products or offer your services on your blog.
Blog Definitions – In conclusion
Now, do you understand a little bit better what a blog is? What blogging entails? And who a blogger is? Maybe now you feel the need to start a blog of your own. I hope that this has helped to clarify some basic definitions of the world of blogging.
Find out How Bloggers Really Make Money in this article.
If you’ve managed to successfully start a blog, build a sense of community and keep your readers engaged feel free to share your experience in the comments below!
This was super helpful! Thanks for the tips