I’m always looking for quality content for Tech Girl Help Desk. If you think you’ve got what it takes and would be interested in submitting a guest post, please fill out the contact form below and include 2 or 3 topic ideas that you would like to write about. If your topic is a fit for the site, I’ll send you an invitation to submit a post.

Benefits of guest posting:

  • Introduce your expertise to a new audience
  • Link back to your website
  • Collaborate with other bloggers

Rules for Guest Post:

  • Topic must be relevant to helping the technically challenged with things like basic computer tips, advice for using smartphones and apps, blogging or learning to code.
  • Must be at least 500 words
  • Must be original content not available anywhere else on the internet
  • You may include a no-follow link to your website

Get paid to write for Tech Girl Help Desk:

You will be paid for your guest post according to how many page views the post attracts within the first 30 days of publication. Payment will be made via Paypal on the 1st day of the month following the 30 day period.

  • 0-500 views: $5.00
  • 501- 1000: $10.00
  • 1001 – 2000: $15.00
  • 2001 – 3000: $25.00
  • 3001-4999: $35.00
  • 5,000+ $50.00